Lot 126 Brighton Lakes
Myrtle Beach, SC
My listing at Lot 126 Brighton Lakes in Myrtle Beach is now under contract. This lot is located in the Carolina Forest area. Check back in about 30 days for an update on the final closing price.
If you have any questions about this lot or the Myrtle Beach market, please contact Kathy Rukat at (843) 267-2710 or Kathy@KathyRukat.com. Details about the Myrtle Beach market can be found on my website.
Myrtle Beach, SC
My listing at Lot 126 Brighton Lakes in Myrtle Beach is now under contract. This lot is located in the Carolina Forest area. Check back in about 30 days for an update on the final closing price.
If you have any questions about this lot or the Myrtle Beach market, please contact Kathy Rukat at (843) 267-2710 or Kathy@KathyRukat.com. Details about the Myrtle Beach market can be found on my website.